The BIWS Advanced Financial Modeling Course Was Discontinued and Replaced with Separate Courses on March 1st, 2025

The former Advanced course was far too long for most students and covered too many different topics. Therefore, we replaced it with shorter, streamlined courses.

This was NOT exactly a “course split” because each separate course re-uses some of the Advanced material but also makes new additions. It’s more like how Latin turned into the Romance languages after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but no barbarians invaded in this case.

If you had this Advanced Modeling course through previous purchases, you still have access to it. It’s just that we are not selling it separately anymore.


The material in the former Advanced Financial Modeling course has moved to 3 separate courses, with 1 new course set for Q2 2025:

  • Private Equity Modeling ($197): Includes basic through advanced LBO models, paper LBO models, and qualitative case studies. Specifically designed for private equity interview prep. Approximately 25 hours of training.
  • Advanced M&A Modeling ($97): Includes intermediate and advanced merger models, a spinoff model case study, and a majority-stake acquisition. Geared toward experienced bankers. Approximately 10-12 hours of training.
  • Biotech Valuation ($97): Includes simplified and more advanced pre-revenue biotech valuations, a “platform biotech” valuation, and an accompanying stock pitch, IB pitch book, and equity research report. Approximately 10 hours of training.
  • Advanced Accounting ($97): This course will be available in Q2 of 2025. It will cover topics such as lease accounting, deferred taxes, NOLs, equity investments, noncontrolling interests, debt accounting, pensions, and stock-based compensation.

Private Equity
Modeling Available
Link Here

Valuation Available
Link Here

M&A Modeling Available
Link Here

Accounting Coming in
Q2 2025
Link Here